Saturday, January 24, 2009

Are We in a Truly Post - Racial World?

Because of what happened with Sean Bell, Oscar Grant, Jena 6, and Robbie Tolan in Houston, TX; I can't say that we have realized MLK's dream. Have we've seen progress? Yes, and no one is disputing that. My question is will African- Americans ever walk in stride witheveryone else, or are we destined to always take two steps forward and one step back.

Barack Obama's election as president is a great thing for America. However,as a black man living in America, I pray that we as a community don't allow the significance of what has happened to be in vain. We can cry and rejoice, but in the end we as a community must finally do. Do better, be better, and have pride as a people. We must graduate from colleges at higher rates than other communities. And this is what the B.M.I. is committed to doing here at GWU.

Barack Obama's election as president should not just bring tears to your eyes, it should inspire you to try to make a difference.First in yourself and then in the various communities that make up this melting pot, we call America.

- Sean Williams


"Doctor" Lane said...

There's no such thing as "post-racial".

Dr Lane

JanaB said...

No. . we are not post-racial, we will never be post racial. I think what I appreciate the most is maybe a few more people here and there won't ask themselves or me "Why is this white girl concerned about a 'black issue'" and maybe think about me being involved in my community that happens to be majority black. :) Maybe less people will feel uncomfortable when I write the above statement also. :)

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