Men to Boys
Monday night I moved a few things off of my schedule to make room to watch the documentary called "Men to Boys." When I arrived at the Lincoln Theater there was a crowd of young black men spilling off the sidewalk. I didn't know what to expect but the place was packed. The night started with the usual introduction of the filmmaker and major people involved in making the project possible. Twenty minutes later, the show started.
It began with the introduction and how the idea for the documentary began. Then it introduced black men from all walks of life who volunteered to be interviewed. During the interviews they all gave their jewels of wisdom that every young black boy needs to know in order to be a man. From there he interviewed people in the street and ask them questions like "Can a woman really raise a man" and "How often do you see your father." They were easy questions but it was obvious that they were the type that people didn't openly discuss.
The intention of the filmmaker was to create an open dialog in the black community. If that was his real goal, he was successful, because the movie certainly didn't provide satisfying answers. It actually left me with more questions. Those questions I pose to you: "What makes a man?" "Why can't a woman raise a man?" Those questions are not rhetorical, if you are reading this please comment.
A few months ago, I wrote a note on Facebook about the pearls of wisdom of I would pass on to my first child who I assume will be a girl. But I think some of the principles are the same, click here. What would you say to your son? Again, that's not rhetorical.
1 comment:
Great Post! As a single white female trying to simply "be a support," "be in the life of . . " "be a mentor" of approx. 50 young black males ages 18-25 in the District of Columbia I can assure you that I am just a filler. I am in fact desperately trying to hold on to these young men to try and connect them with other black males in the community. Here is the fun part- the black community. "these are grown ass men, they don't need a mentor" or my favorite "I don't have time." "REALLY?" My reactions vary on a given day. First of all- if these young men missed the mentoring boat in high school- trust me they need a mentor- hell- I am looking for one (no really I am) many have been locked up, barely graduated, taking care of their child etc. and need to learn life skills, job skills, and most of all need to have encouragement. They to begin to believe in themselves. To the men that claim that they don't have time. . . Yes, you do. I know you- and I know your schedule- one hour a week- on facebook, texting, a phone call, how else do I stay up with all my 50? I implore BMI to take a look at some of my youngins and lend a hand!
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